Every time you get behind the wheel, you realize that you’re at risk of being injured in an accident. However, when you understand the top dangers on the road, you’re in better position to avoid trouble. Here are five of the top dangers, all of which continue to cause serious accidents in New Jersey and…
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When you were traveling home from work, you were suddenly involved in an accident. Another driver didn’t stop when approaching an intersection, and that resulted in a collision. You were hurt in the crash and have been at the hospital ever since. Your major concern is covering your financial losses during the time when you’re…
Continue reading ›If you’ve been left battered and bruised in a car wreck, you probably expect the insurance company involved to recognize the seriousness of your injuries and pay your claim. Except that probably won’t happen. The harsh reality is that insurance companies exist to make money — and they may even actively encourage their adjusters to…
Continue reading ›Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most serious injuries of all because they can affect everything about you — even your personality! Yet, most people aren’t entirely sure what causes a TBI. Here’s what you need to know about what could happen to your brain in a car wreck: You Could Have a…
Continue reading ›A car accident can happen fast, and it can be hard to know what to do next. But staying sharp after a wreck can make sure you come out ahead. There were nearly 30,000 traffic accidents in Middlesex county last year. If you become a part of that statistic this year, make sure you act…
Continue reading ›The national turnpike system is a transportation system that was developed many years ago to speed transportation from place to place. The idea was to enable drivers to avoid having to drive through the center of towns and cities on their way to their destinations in New Jersey and elsewhere. There was nowhere near the…
Continue reading ›Congested traffic is a known concern in New Jersey. Remaining safe on the crowded roadways requires remaining alert and always being on the lookout for the unexpected. Defensive driving remains one of the best ways to avoid a tragic car accident. But when a wrong-way driver enters the picture, reacting in time to such an…
Continue reading ›Increased traffic on New Jersey roadways increases the likelihood of being involved in a serious accident. While defensive driving is the best preventive measure a person can take, some car accidents cannot be avoided. A serious car crash recently resulted in two fatalities. First responders responded to the scene of a reported accident on a recent…
Continue reading ›New Jersey roadways are heavily congested with traffic at almost all hours of the day and night. This can make it difficult to see pedestrians, sometimes resulting in hit-and-run accidents. A recent car crash near Camden involved a car and a pedestrian in the very early morning hours. The accident occurred on Tuckahoe Road and the victim was…
Continue reading ›Motorcycles are a popular means of communication for many people in New Jersey. They are a relatively economical and easy way to get around. They are also small and can be very hard to see, which means they are often involved in a tragic car accident. An accident involving a motorcycle happened on a recent…
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