Tips for Avoiding Slips and Falls During New Jersey Winters
Brush up on what you can do to keep both feet on the ground this winter with a few solid safety tips.
With summer starting to wind down, the winter season is just around the corner. Lovers of the colder months of the year in New Jersey are eager for the first chill in the air, but those lower temperatures can bring higher risks of slips and falls, which can result in a personal injury on another’s property. Here are a few tips you can put to good use to stay upright when snow and ice blanket the ground.
Watch Where You Step
Just as it is vital to keep both eyes on the road to better avoid an accident, you have to pay close attention to where you step when ice and snow are on the ground. Take your time, and avoid anything that even looks like it may be icy to avoid injuring (or embarrassing) yourself.
Wear Slip-Resistant Shoes
Boost your traction with slip-resistant shoes that have textured or rough soles. Depending on where you work, you may already have to wear such shoes. It is understandable that you may get tired of changing in and out of different pairs of shoes every day, especially if you work in an environment with a professional dress code, but the tradeoff is that you reduce your chances of slipping and falling, which can put you out of commission (and out of work) for a while.
Prepare Yourself
When you learn that snow and/or ice is on the radar, prepare accordingly. Those who use a cane or walker to get around should check the grips at the bottom of such devices. Additionally, ice-gripping tips on canes are great for improved traction.
At home, be sure to put down a layer of salt or kitty litter on the porch, walkway and driveway. It is also a good idea to carry around kitty litter in your car in case your tires are unable to get adequate traction when you encounter a patch of ice.
Keep Your Hands Free
With the colder months of the year come plenty of holidays, ones that often call for food and gifts for friends and family. As you are walking over ice, it is best that your hands and arms are free of packages and other items that can encumber your ability to catch yourself if you start to fall. You should also get into the habit of leaving your hands out of your pockets while walking so you can easily and quickly catch your balance if need be.
Know that these suggestions are not a guarantee that you will never injure yourself from a slip-and-fall in New Jersey. If you find yourself injured this winter season because of someone else’s negligence, know that you have legal options.